Car t-shirts although not as popular as vintage t-shirts have a good following of devoted car enthusiasts. While we have not received a demand for car vintage t-shirts template vector we thought it might be nice for the automotive enthusiast looking around to be able to find what they are looking for. Thus a small directory and brief descriptions of a few places that have some pretty good car t-shirts and possibly related merchandise.
Vintage Chevrolet Truck Drive a Chevy! Vintage Chevy truck. I’d rather push a Chevy than drive a Ford. Perfect gift for him or for anyone who loves classic cars. Great for Father’s Day, Christmas or anytime.
Whether it’s muscle car t-shirts, sprint car and formula one race car t-shirts, classic car tees, or possibly just your favorite car brand t-shirts we hope you’ll find the car t-shirt you need in this small directory.
Classic Car & Vintage Pickup Truck T-shirt T-shirts, Merchandise & Gifts with a classic retro oldie but goodie art design. Unique vintage gift ideas for kids, for her or him. Original cool artwork with classic hot rod tshirt, tshirts, sweatshirts & unique gifts for anyone who love cool oldies but goodies street rods. Wonderful design for all lovers of historic cars and trucks.
I would like to provide you more information and how tos about silkscreen printing but doesn’t have much time to write one. So I just gathered some useful links that you can visit and learn more about silk screen printing. Screen or silk screen printing is widely used and popular for t-shirts but it also works for many other non-textile projects. Some of the variations about the applications of screen printing are discussed from the following links.
Silk Screen Printing Instructions
A very comprehensive resource about silk screen printing that describes the process in details from
CD Printing
It is screen printing that puts the picture on the surface of the CD.
Graphics on the Go
Have you seen those ads on the sides of buses that cover the windows yet allow passengers to see out? Screen printing is another process that produces those transit ads.
How to Silk Screen shows you the steps involved in printing a t-shirt with photos and instructions along with their own textile printer. Includes how to prepare artwork and an online tutorial on silkscreening.
Screen Printing Guide
This guide from Mirror Image, Inc. presents an online tutorial covering design considerations, separations and trapping, types of presses, and advice on hiring a printer for your screen printingneeds. Focuses primarily on textile screen printing.
Hopefully, the links provided above will be useful for those of you who are thinking of getting into t-shirt silk screen printing with some of our designs. These vector t-shirt designs come in two set of files, both in Adobe Illustrator (ai, CS2 up) and EPS (AI 10 up) formats. There have been special requests from some of our readers to have Corel Draw compatible vector files available. Sorry I couldn’t provide you regular CDR file formats as I don’t have Corel Draw in my system, but I was able to open the EPS from my friend’s Corel Draw X3 so I hope you’ll be able to open it as well. Download link is provided below. Enjoy.
Best Free Vector T-shirt Designs: Vintage Cars and Trucksis the ultimate clip art collection for graphic designers, screen printers, tattoo artists or anyone who needs unique, original art for custom T-shirts, web sites and web pages. perfect for desktop publishing, offset printing and embroidery templates. Can also be used for digitizing, graphic design, holiday greeting cards and home made crafts.
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